Printable QUICK Order Form

We recommend using this form
if you are ordering a few (less than 7) Pen-Pals.
Print this form, fill it out and sent it with your payment to:
    Student Letter Exchange
    211 Broadway, Ste. 201
    Lynbrook, NY 11563
Please read the Program Information/Ordering Instructions for ordering tips and details concerning delivery time.

Name: ____________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________


City: ___________________ State: _____ Zip: _________

If there are questions with this order:
please indicate:

Phone # _______________

Fax # _________________

E-mail ________________

____ Check here if you would also like your name and address added to our database and indicate your age and gender here:
  Age: ____   Gender (circle one) BOY   GIRL

Indicate below the County (or State), Age and Gender for each Pen Pal selected.
If you want more than one from the same Country, Age or Gender, indicate under the Quantity column.

or write in "any Country" or "any State"


For ages under 11, we recommend selecting Pen Pals from English speaking countries.
TOTAL NAMES* ______ X $1.25=________
ORDER TOTAL =________
*Minimum order- 4 names ($1.25 each) + Shipping & Handling

** Add $3.50 for SUPER FAST SERVICE. If order is being returned to an address outside of the US add $1.00 for Canada, add $2.00 for all other countries. Payment must be in US currency, a Postal Money Order ot a check in US currency drawn on a US bank.

When substitutes are necessary, we usually select by geographic area. If you prefer substitutes based on language, please check here: _____

Print out this order form, enclose completed form with payment and send to: Student Letter Exchange, 211 Broadway, Ste 201, Lynbrook, NY 11563, USA

Student Letter Exchange

Email address: [email protected]

Web Weaver: VoyageurWeb